Be that Change!

Be that Change!
Be that Change!

Monday 22 August 2016

Report on Behavioral Competency Seminar!


I attended an enriching seminar on Behavioral Competency. It talked about inculcating employees’ behavior conducive to positive work environment walking on the company’s ethnicity, “You are the owner of your work.” I was lucky to attend such an enthralling presentation at young age keeping in mind that as a fresher, it is better if you start early. Mainly there are 8 types of behavioral types that an employee should have, which I will be discussing later at length. What follows in this document is the precise explanation of what was discussed.    


Teamwork is a group of people working together to solve a problem and achieve a shared goal. Everyone’s opinion matters. Even if you are placed higher in position it is your duty to listen to your colleague. This is not just few people dictating terms and others happily accepting it just because Boss is always right. In this there is no teamwork and time is wasted in pretending to consider others thoughts but eventually ending up doing what was initially planned. Collaboration is the way of reaching the goal through sheer teamwork. We do not always need professionals to achieve results because sometimes best solution can come from unexpected source.


The best way to a communication is through non-verbal way. The best way to put it would be, “First impression is the best impression.” There are thousand ways in which one can send the message across but we should be confident enough to use the right method for example grapevine, etc. It is important that you make the receiver comfortable enough to be a part of conversation and let him share his viewpoint on the topic of discussion. One should always remember that the great speaker is always the best listener. Babbling and chattering unnecessarily is a harmful to one’s career.



When one thinks of the analytical thinking, it is not only related to their ability to apply professional skills but how he can solve any problem put to him through a logical and systematic way based on the data provided to him or his seniors’ opinion. Before you start working on the problem, there should be enough perquisite data to understand earlier where we had gone wrong. This is not what is taught at any educational level, and no one will develop their analytical thinking by book knowledge. The more complex problem you solve, the widen idea you get to think for the next problem.


This competency has been inculcated in us since the days of our board exams. Though it is a combination of all the following competencies, if followed on daily basis can be a great asset. It may so happen that an individual can be very good at his technical skills but weak in general problem solving and vice versa. It is in other words a decision making skills, starting from recognizing a suitable way to overcome a problem up to leading to a new innovative idea. To solve a problem, he should be able to identify the problem, address the obstacle, analyzing the result and reexamining if the results are still not satisfactory.


Soon we will be discussing innovation which comes ahead in the report. We should have clear understanding of the difference between initiative and innovation. Initiative is the prompt action taken by the respondent for example volunteering for a committee that others would try to avoid. This is by far the most required competency in a good candidate, and no one can ever have any proactiveness in him at all. Please correct me if I am wrong but according to me, the quality of work becomes secondary here, taking up the job and willingness to commit is more important. Physically the quality may vary because of the highly demanding energy level from our side.


It may sometime happen to us that we think our work has hit the rock bottom; this is where an individual should be able to find alternative way to get to the end of the solution. Innovation is challenging the paradigm, not letting others affect our method of approach, creating something that once world said could not be twisted further. It is not only about how creative you are but can you also encourage someone to do something new. I won’t be undervaluing any competencies here but creativity is a part of decision making knowing when to implement new rules to get work done faster. I agree with the sir about the children being the most creative because they don’t have insecurities to feel when they fail.


As a fresher into the corporate world, the biggest difficulty I am going to be facing is to be coping with the change and that is bad. It is very wrong on our side to be stuck in the same loop, not anticipating any change in the future. Dealing with ambiguity is the willingness of the self to be prepared for anything the life throws at you. On the plus side, one should not change him because his job demands it, this should be self-procured. Dealing with ambiguity can be related to proactiveness but the latter is more work related. In this competency we find two types of people, one who is comfortable with uncertaincy and the one finds it restraining to change whatever may the reason may be.

Report by,
Rohan Deepak Patil Mechatronics


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