Be that Change!

Be that Change!
Be that Change!

Tuesday 7 June 2016


“Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose.”

1. “When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long.”

2. “Giving Up doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, It liminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.” 

3. “If you are looking for a sign not to kill yourself, this is it.” – Unknown

4. “Anyone desperate enough for giving up should be desperate enough to go to creative extremes to solve problems: elope at midnight, stow away on the boat to New Zealand and start over, do what they always wanted to do but were afraid to try.” – Richard Bach

5. “The real reason for not giving up is because you always know how swell life gets again after the hell is over.” – Ernest Hemingway

6. “If you want to show me that you really love me, don’t say that you would die for me, instead stay alive for me.” 

7. “Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You’re alive for a reason so don’t ever give up.”

8. “The person who completes suicide, dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand … Why?” – Clark (2001)

9. “Giving Up is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”

10. “Never never never give up.” – Winston Churchill


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