Be that Change!

Be that Change!
Be that Change!

Thursday 6 August 2015

Statement Of Purpose

The Statement Of Purpose

“I Will Win, May not be Immediately but Definitely”

The sole purpose of my life is to educate myself to the highest level and have an attitude of perfection in everything I do. The process of education should not be only for the degree but to learn the basic fundamentals and be able to apply it in the practical field. Having an attitude of perfection should not mean that you are the greatest but a humble approach towards even the smallest creature on the earth. I should neither hesitate to walk with the Kings nor lose the common touch.

Marks do not matter always but that should not refrain me from the life opportunities so I ought to keep a healthy profile for myself. I should not look down on the students weak in studies and should help them to bring them up. In my lifetime, I should be generous enough to be able to finance a needy child’s education and make him independent like me.
After the graduation, I should not have to ask for any kind of help to my parents, either financial or moral, and be able to stand on my feet and complete the further studies as planned.

 While looking for a job, I have to keep a self-esteem for having a better education than the most of the counter parts, and if the job demands a various adjustment, should be ready to handle the projects imposed on me. I should be able to adjust to the job requirements till I get a good exposure but later should lay a strong foundation to work for the betterment of the company.